The Story is based on real Tech4All projects for digital education in Kenia's country-side, telemedicine in remote parts of China, rain forest protection in Costa Rica, and mobile connectivity in rural Africa. Our Focus is less on the technology itself, and more on the difference it can make in the lives of people (and ecosphere). Therefore, the entire look and feel is simple handmade inviting. Brought to life via 3D animation, the design is decidedly "mechanical", so that transitions and transformations feel real and tangible rather than digitally incorporeal. Our message is "A little tech can make a huge difference – if we are prepared to spread it around." The Song "A Million Dreams", known from the soundtrack of "The Greatest Showman" and even more from Pink's powerful version hits the perfect emotional pitch for our story. A million creams CAN come true, if – like the lyrics say – we share all the digital "special things" with the power to make people smile even on a rainy day.