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Ogilvy GmbH
Darmstädter Landstrasse 112
60598 Frankfurt am Main

Phone +49 (0)69 96225 0
Fax +49 (0)69 96225 1555

Company register: Amtsgericht Frankfurt am Main, no. HRB 78889
VAT identification number: DE 253 363 516

General Manager: Katja Berghoff, Björn Bremer, Helmut Hechler, Chris Jungjohann, Dora Osinde, Dr. Stephan Vogel
Editorial responsibility (§18 sec.2 Medienstaatsvertrag, State Media Treaty): Helmut Hechler, postal address as above

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Ogilvy GmbH is a member of GWA Gesamtverband Kommunikationsagenturen (

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