← Back to IdeasSocial Media Trends 2023

First up, the disclaimer. Trend spotting is notoriously selective, subjective and vulnerable to the sideswipes of unforeseen events. This report is no exception.
We acknowledge its imperfections but believe it’s important to synthesize the environment at the start of a new year and to highlight the themes and currents that will shape our industry context.
The goal is to make sense of the radical shifts out there and to provide you with a useful ‘map of the moment’. And what a moment we find ourselves in.
We have emerged from the frying pan of COVID-19 into the fire of a global cost of living crisis and it does feel that the harsh recessionary context is signalling a more systemic shift, especially when the way we work is fundamentally changing, the signs of environmental turmoil are everywhere, and there is the desperate and unpredictable war on the eastern front.
Add in the deceleration of the pandemic boom for tech companies, and we get a unique environment for 2023. In this stressed context, consumers are making tradeoffs, advertisers are super cautious, and competition for attention is intense.
This report does not set out to decode this broader environment in detail (we’re ambitious, but not that ambitious). Instead, we’ve taken a more focused approach by looking at the industry environment through three lenses:
What’s shaping Content & Channels
What’s emerging in Connected Commerce
What’s shifting with Influence & Creators
We’ve chosen these filters to organize our perspectives and make more sense of the messy reality. These filters
are also very relevant to us at Ogilvy. We’ve used this trend-spotting process of discussion and discovery to prepare ourselves for this environment. We’ve workshopped all the themes in this report and have innovated our offer to be better able to respond constructively to this dynamic context.
Hopefully, this report is useful to you and your company.
Please feel free to drop us any feedback. We’d love to hear your perspective on these trends and themes. Enjoy this report.