LiDAR is the acronym for Light Detection and Ranging, a technology integrated into Audi's safety systems that detects distance and depth to generate precise 3D maps of the environment and improve the driving experience and safety of its passengers. However, some artists are beginning to take this technology further, using it as a creative tool. And so has Audi, which, with the help of digital artist Javier Pardina, has interpreted a pictorial work from the perspective of a car — Velázquez's "Las Meninas", not only one of the most iconic works in the history of Spanish art, but one subject to countless analyses, theories, and interpretations. The project materialized in a limited edition of 180 units that Audi is delivering to members of its creativity and innovation platform. In addition, the experience has been complemented by a website hosting all the information, extra material, and a making-of of the project.